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Generate Prompt Variations

Large Language Models are sensitive to the way that they are prompted. When prompted incorrectly, they might perform much worse despite having the information or capability to respond to the prompt. Prompt Mining1. provides some ways for us to improve on the phrasing of our prompts to do so.

We can get our models to generate completions for manually written prompts to get better performance. This cna be done either using

  1. Back Translation: We can translate the prompt into another language before translating it back. This identifies semantically similar prompts which have different phrasing.

  2. Mining Completions: We extract relations between different subjects and objects in the prompt before converting them into more general templates.

These are some examples of mined completions that were provided in the paper

Manual Prompts Mined Prompts
x is affiliated with the y religion x who converted to y
The headquarter of x is in y x is based in y
x died in y x died at his home in y
x is represented by music label y x recorded for y
x is a subclass of y x is a type of y

We can implement back translation using instructor as seen below.

import instructor
from openai import AsyncOpenAI
from pydantic import BaseModel
import random

client = instructor.from_openai(AsyncOpenAI())

class TranslatedPrompt(BaseModel):
    translation: str

async def translate_prompt(prompt: str, from_language: str, to_language: str):
    return await
                "role": "system",
                "content": f"""
                You are an expert translation assistant.
                You are going to be given a prompt and
                asked to translate it from {from_language}
                to {to_language}. Paraphrase and use
                synonyms where possible, especially for
                the examples.
            {"role": "user", "content": f"Prompt: {prompt}"},

async def generate_permutation(prompt: str, language: str) -> str:
    tranlated_prompt = await translate_prompt(prompt, "english", language)
    backtranslated_prompt = await translate_prompt(
        tranlated_prompt.translation, language, "english"
    return backtranslated_prompt.translation

async def generate_prompts(
    prompt: str, languages: list[str], permutations: int
) -> list[str]:
    coros = [
        generate_permutation(prompt, random.choice(languages))
        for _ in range(permutations)
    return await asyncio.gather(*coros)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import asyncio

    prompt = """
    You are an expert system that excels at Sentiment
    Analysis of User Reviews.

    Here are a few examples to refer to:

    1. That was a fantastic experience I had! I'm
    definitely recommending this to all my friends
    // Positive
    2. I think it was a passable evening. I don't think
    there was anything remarkable or off-putting for me.
    // Negative
    3. I'm horrified at the state of affairs in this new
    restaurant // Negative

    Sentence: This was a fantastic experience!
    languages = ["french", "spanish", "chinese"]
    permutations = 2

    generated_prompts =, languages, permutations))
    for prompt in generated_prompts:
        You are a specialist system skilled in user review
        sentiment analysis.

        Here are some examples for your reference:

        1. I had an absolutely fantastic experience! I will
        definitely recommend it to all my friends // Positive
        2. I think the night was just okay. I don't believe
        there was anything particularly outstanding or
        objectionable // Neutral
        3. I am terrified by the condition of this new
        restaurant // Negative

        Sentence: This was an amazing experience!
        You are an expert system skilled in conducting user
        review sentiment analysis.

        Here are some examples for reference:

        1. That was an awesome experience! I'll definitely
        recommend it to all my friends // Positive
        2. I think it was an okay evening. I don't find
        anything particularly outstanding or unpleasant.
        // Neutral
        3. I am very shocked by the condition of this new
        restaurant // Negative

        Sentence: This was a wonderful experience!


1: How Can We Know What Language Models Know?